Gustavarna – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
JD Annual Design AwardsJDADA 2017

Gustavarna – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017


Gustavarna – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Collection Name: Gustavarna
Students Names: Pavani Basavani

Gustavarna is an Indo-western fusion of womenswear categorized under street wear. The collection draws its inspiration from the famous paintings of the well-known artist Gustav Klimt and is substantiated with intricate design details and vibrant colour palette. The garments are wearable as well as sustainable. With rising awareness for the need to recycle and reuse composite materials, the designer as an innovator has attempted to develop a collection In unprecedented ways to repurpose material waste and push ahead with the green revolution. Stirring her creative juices, she has designed a beautiful collection by blending upcycling with fabric manipulation and embroidery. The collection is presented by Pavani Basavani from the B.Sc Batch.

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

Gustavarna - Future Origin - JD Annual Design Awards 2017 | Photography : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)


Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)

#iamworld #iamearth #futureorigins #sustainable #ethical #innovation #jdada2017 #jdannualdesignawards #jdinstituteoffashiontechnology

#jdinstitutebangalore  #fashion #design #runway #graduateshow



Gustavarna – Future Origin – JD Annual Design Awards 2017…![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]