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Let’s understand what design means. To put it in simple words, design is the process of envisaging and planning the creation of objects, interactive systems, buildings, vehicles, etc. Its user-centred. It is about creating solutions for people, physical items or more abstract systems to address a need or a problem. It is a very wide-ranging concept and its meaning can greatly vary from one field to another.

Modern interior design vs contemporary interior design - One of the most common questions every aspiring interior designer has at some point in his learning. Although it is a common misconception among people that modern interior design and contemporary interior design are inherently the same, it is important to say at the very beginning that they are very different. It is true that contemporary

Proportion in interior design refers to the balance between design elements including size, shape, colour and texture. Striking the right balance between different design elements in a single room is the purpose of proportion in interior design. Proportion is a superior component implemented in interior design. This component is applied at every stage in the process of interior design. It is significant when choosing