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ThoughtCo H1: Development of the Camera Concept: Photography has been crucial for recording historical information as well as your most treasured family experiences over the years. In actuality, cameras have been around since the 1600s and even before. In order to help you understand how technology developed from pre-film cameras to the digital camera or smartphone you use to take images of family gatherings, capture archival

Mobile photography has evolved leaps and bounds in less than 15 years. Picture this:  It’s a clear night sky with twinkling stars that dot the pitch-black canvas. But you are far away from home in your quiet little campsite and you reach for your phone to capture the indelible beauty of the darkness that weighs around to you. You don’t need a high

Post pandemic hit and numerous lockdowns, the photography trends have witnessed a paradigm shift. It now focuses more on the real aesthetics and natural beauty along with the lens just tap away (Thanks to the mobile phones!). Today, we will give you an overview of what photography trends are taking over the world and how photographers should adapt to it for a better