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JD Annual Design Awards

Iron Ore Tailing Bricks- Curator - JD Annual Design Awards 2019 – Interior Design. Designers Kiran Singh and GR Chandru's product is designed to reduce the indoor temperature. Global warming is taking over the world and temperature is increasing day by day. This leads to the usage of air conditioners which is harmful to the environment and also causing global warming. This inspired our designers

Design Disruption at JD Annual Design Awards 2019 JD Annual Design Awards is held to celebrate the design breakthrough of our students which showcases well-put together and well-thought of designs from different departments like Interior, Jewellery, Fashion, Photography and Fashion Communication. Months of ideating, design conceptualization, jury meetings and creating their end product in a showcase to their peers, family, management, industry stalwarts and

BALANCE – Curator – JD Annual Design Awards 2019 – Interior Design Designer Jaideep’s conceptual space called BALANCE is a Restrocafe inspired by the Yin Yang model. Ying Yang is one of the dominant and complex philosophies of Chinese culture. It is a concept of duality forming a whole. According to this theory, everything in the universe consists of two forces that are opposing but are