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Food can taste like heaven on a platter, just the thought of a dish might make you salivate and give you the painful late-night cravings. But, how do make another person know, recognise and understand the same depth of your taste buds without having to types a 1000-word essay on the pepper count in your food? Pictures. Food photography is the recent addition

Interior designing isn't just about redecorating a home. Though it may seem like a fun task at first, people often lose themselves, without knowing where to start. Decorating a space without the guidance and those extra pairs of hands to help, can be a very exhausting, expensive, and unpleasant experience.  But it isn’t impossible. There are ways to define your work and design

Proportion in interior design refers to the balance between design elements including size, shape, colour and texture. Striking the right balance between different design elements in a single room is the purpose of proportion in interior design. Proportion is a superior component implemented in interior design. This component is applied at every stage in the process of interior design. It is significant when choosing