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A sofa is perhaps the largest and significant accessory in the interiors of both residential and commercial spaces. The interior design of a house especially is largely dependent on the accessories one buys. A sofa is at the top of this list. Tips for purchasing sofa The kind of furniture one buys determines the look and feel of the house. Purchasing sofa can become frustrating.

Textile testing is the process of discovering properties of various substances. Textile testing plays a vital role in the industry as it is through this process that one can easily determine the problems and faults of the machinery and materials. Aside from this, textile testing is also majorly necessary to reassure compliance with changing governmental safety regulations and in order to meet increasing

Features that form the core of rustic interior design include artsy, rugged and natural features without any or very minimal polishing and processing of interior design raw materials. Rustic interior design is a style of interior design that is designed around maximum use of natural materials. As opposed to traditional interior design or contemporary interior design, Rustic interior design embraces the natural beauty of