Vam’s Design – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
04/07/2018 2021-01-25 10:16Vam’s Design – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018

Vam’s Design – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
Vam’s Design – Change – JD Annual Design Awards 2018
Product Name: Vam
Designers: Amrutha, Mansi and vignesh (Group 44)
Vam’s Design is a multipurpose product inspired by the idea of space constraints. The designers have shaped the product in an interesting manner, that it can be used as a false ceiling, a swing and a coffee table as well. This piece is extremely compact, unconventional and convenient. With a multipurpose characteristic, the design comes with three different uses: Firstly, it can be converted into a swing and used in the backyard, where kids can have their own playtime despite their parents being busy. Secondly, the product can be transformed into a coffee or a food table which makes it easily accessible. The last is that it can act as a false ceiling, when not being used. The idea is to use the product at right time with no hesitation and in fewer budgets. Plywood, motorized machine and a nylon rope is used to make it successful, eco-friendly and sustainable at the same time. Presented by: Amrutha, Mansi and vignesh from Interior Design Batch.
Photo Courtesy : Jerin Nath (@jerin_nath)
#JDInstituteofFashionTechnologyIndia #JDInstitute #Jediiians #JDAnnualDesignAwards #JDADA2018 #Sustainability #Ethical #innovation #Change #iamchange #revolutionize #Interiors #Productdesign #Vam’sdesign #multipurposeproduct #multipurposefurniture #falseceiling #swing #coffeetable #motorizedmachine #ecofriendlyinteriors #AmruthaJDADA2018 #MansiJDADA2018 #VigneshJDADA2018