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BALANCE – Curator – JD Annual Design Awards 2019 – Interior Design Designer Jaideep’s conceptual space called BALANCE is a Restrocafe inspired by the Yin Yang model. Ying Yang is one of the dominant and complex philosophies of Chinese culture. It is a concept of duality forming a whole. According to this theory, everything in the universe consists of two forces that are opposing but are

MANOEUVRE - CURATOR - JDADA2019 Manoeuvre “Good design is a matter of discipline. It starts by looking at the problem and collecting all the available information about it. If you understand the problem, you have the solution. It’s really more about logic than imagination.”  Massimo Vignelli Designers Karthik R and Pavan Kumar P’s collection “Manoeuvre” has been inspired by the Kandyan dance form, native to the central

Athlentric- Curator - JDADA 2019 “When you have comfort and function combined with fashion it is difficult to go back to anything else on a regular basis.” ---- MARSHAL COHEN ---- Designer Niveen Bali’s collection, “Athlentric” is derived from the word Athleisure and Eccentric and is a line of Athleisure wear created using thermochromic pigments. The collection was inspired by the colour changing mugs that changed