Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

The photography industry experienced a cataclysmal development as the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc in our daily lives and forced us to stay within the confines of our homes. We watched from afar as the photography industry went through a roller-coaster ride. Did we need a professional photographer in our midst, when we have perfectly great cameras on our phones? The answer throughout the pandemic was a yes. We needed them for every occasion that we managed to celebrate through the pandemic and the endless list of online pages we scrolled needed them just like on any other day, as the pandemic continued to be in our midst.

From a layman’s perspective, the photography industry took a back seat and suffered through the pandemic just like every other business or industry. But what was the cost it paid to survive? How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact the photography industry? Here are 7 surprising ways the photography industry managed to live through the crisis.

1. The pandemic crisis – We lived through the Covid-19 pandemic and are trying to find the right footing now that the world is returning to some semblance of normalcy. How did the photography industry live through the same? Well, it got a lot more creative. That’s how. The abrupt closure of all services made us all feel the pinch as we were initially glued to the news trying to figure out how to live through the pandemic crisis. The photography industry was no different. The crisis ridden industry had to face the brunt and work through it.

2. Capturing the online space – While the conventional doors were shut for the photography industry because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The digital space came to the rescue. The online business boom needed professional photographers for an endless array of photoshoots as every product and service on the internet jostled to capture the fleeting attention of a quick scroll of its customer’s phone.

From fresh apples to a packet of flour, from a humble pair of shorts to expensive jewellery with sparkling diamonds, everyone needed the perfect popping picture of their service to get the attention of their customers.Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

3. Exploring life during lockdown – Photographers took to the streets, the empty streets devoid of human presence, places that have always stayed busy suddenly became a source of curiosity for everyone stuck inside their homes. The photographers gave the much-needed respite of how the world looked without humans in the pictures. The lockdown period gave professional photographers the creative license to explore and capture once-in-a-lifetime shots, so rare that it will be a part of human history.Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

4. Documenting human history – The world was suddenly becoming an alien place, as humans, we always were and are social creatures, and the confines of our homes limited human interaction and we tried to move on with our lives through the pandemic. If not for the creative photographers, how would we remember these tumultuous times that we lived through that forever would be a part of human history?

5. The professional photography, a human angle – The pain we felt of the exhausted children during the migrant crisis in India, the lone candle that was lighted by an old woman to show solidarity for the doctors and nurses slogging through countless hours, the unbearable pain we felt when we saw the endless rows of funeral pyres, the first ray of hope as saw the vaccine bottles roll out, the first jab of covid vaccine that we scrolled through.

The curious lone deer walking through empty streets during the lockdown, a new-born in the arms of a masked mother, the true human spirit, the suffering, the pain, the empathy, the resilience, the fears, the feelings, brief unfiltered happiness, all captured through the lens of a camera is what the human will collectively cherish as a time we survived.Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

6. #pandemicweddings – It wasn’t all gloomy! We had our share of fun through the covid-19 pandemic as well. The number of weddings that happened during the pandemic season, virtual or otherwise, phew! Aren’t we a surprising bunch of humans? The #pandemicwedding trend was all rage, as more love was in the air than a deadly virus. Well, people dressed up in their best for taking vows and loved how they were able to enjoy a very fun and personal wedding in place of a public event that took away all the fun. The professional photographers were the ones that captured all the special little candid moments to cherish it for the rest of our lives.Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

7. Show solidarity and help your community – We all had our share of challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic and we collectively lived through the pandemic and the photography industry is so very glad to serve it’s loyal and happy customers. Support your local community and talent who work hard to bring that bright smile on you. To be a part of this captivating industry, check out our photography courses on our website. Walk in or give us a call to find out more.

Professional photography – A Pandemic diary

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