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Jewellery boutique is a retail business ornamentation, specialization in the sale and purchase of jewellery and watches. A jewellery boutique provides many services from repairs of old jewellery to manufacturing pieces. Although, every jewellery boutique has their own way of running the business. Aakran Jewellery Boutique This jewellery is based in Sadashivnagar, Bengaluru. They have been in the jewellery business for 32 years and specialise

Necklaces can be trace to the stone age which is around 40,000 years. In April 2004, archaeologist while excavating a cave in South Africa discovered 41 mollusks that may have been once been part of neck jewellery. Prior to this discovery the oldest known necklace found dated back to about 30,000 B.C. These necklaces were mostly fashioned out of shells, bones, stones, animal

Gold is a precious metal and has had a high value since prehistoric times and was used as a symbol of value, purity and royalty. It is the most malleable metal known allowing it to be worked with, pounded and shaped without breaking. The price of gold has risen over the years indicating how it is valued in society. Gold is also one of

Jewellery designers create pieces of art which are more than objects of adornment that complements one’s look. It is a symbol of rich historical and cultural heritage, a statement of love and its preservation. The significance of jewellery in India has evolved into a complex system with sophisticated religious, social and economic symbolism. Being a jewellery designer in India is therefore not just