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Career in the cosmetic industry has a wide range of options to choose from, empowering you with the freedom to map out your own path depending on what you would like to specialize in that matches your particular area of interest. If you are more into creative thinking, pay a lot of attention to detail and have a passion for fashion and beauty,

Crafts in India inform the country’s textile and fashion industries. These indigenous practices that hold immense relevance in terms of meaning, significance and history, are unfortunately seeing a decline in their practice especially during the time of the current pandemic. As part of their Craft Documentation module, students Pooja Harish, Swarna Pratha K., Pranavi P. and Veena V. from JD Institute’s Post Graduate

Portfolio is a visual or/and auditory compilation of an individual’s work. It is the term given to the collection of artistic or creative work produced by an artist or a designer serving the purpose of showcasing their creative and/or technical aptitude, or other skills that are relevant to their field of work. Supporting no fixed formats, a portfolio can be conceptualised in any