Terminologies Pulled Out From Olympics Sports Events
05/02/2022 2022-02-05 11:22Terminologies Pulled Out From Olympics Sports Events
The Winter Olympics 2022 has begun in Beijing, China, and we, already, are getting the adrenaline rush. Whether you are a fashion connoisseur or a sports aficionado, in both cases you must have noticed a difference in outfits of the sportsperson. But do you know sportswear forms a huge section of the fashion and design industry?
A swimmer does not adorn the same outfit as archers. There is a difference in attire, the way athletes wear it, and the other accessories that go along with it. Let’s dive deep, every outfit of different sports has its own name or a distinguishing feature that anyone can notice. But have you ever wondered what they are called?
Today as we are high on energy and going deep into sportswear, let’s get to know the different attire terminologies of varied sports.
1. Hi-tech Swimsuit:
Used by the swimmers of the Olympics, tech swimwear is made up of spandex and nylon composite. The swimwear is structured in such a way, thanks to fashion designers and their adoption of technology, that the outfit aims to reduce drag resistance. Moreover, the swimwear of men and women also differ and has varieties like racerback, bodyskin, kneeskin for women while men swimmers have to wear bodyskin, jammers, squarelegs suits or swim briefs during the performance time.
2. Lame:
Are you also a fan of Fencing? Have you noticed the futuristic blended with the retro-style outfits that Fencers wear? The outfit consists of a jacket, plastron, gloves, breeches, socks, shoes and masks along with a fancy part of attire called Lame. Lame is an electrically conductive jacket worn in order to define the scoring area. It is a piece that extends over the torso region and over the shoulder, depending on the type of weapon used during the fencing bout.
3. Singlet:
Singlets, worn by the weightlifter, is basically a single piece of clothing made up of stretchable material that clings to the body. The form-fitting structure of singlet allows the judges to analyse and evaluate the form and the movement of the wearer clearly. It is made up of stretchable material that helps in easy movement of the sportsperson with quick recovery time.
4. Chamois:
We all are familiar with cycling shorts and bibs that professional cyclists wear during their training or competition. As every sport involves its own pre-requisites and aftercare, cycling shorts are also inclined to improve the endurance and performance of the cyclists. They are fitted with specially designed Chamois, which basically is a padding that supports the sit bone of the body. Apart from giving a cushioning, it also reduces chafing and road noise for the cyclist.
5. Leotards:
Leotards are the form-fitting one piece apparel worn by gymnasts, figure skaters, circus performers and more. Made up of spandex or elastane, leotards enable free movement to the wearer along with allowing the judge to analyse the gymnasts’ form and movement conspicuously. 6. Jodhpur:
Worn typically by Equestrians, which is an important sports event of the Olympics, Jodhpur style pants are loose fitted trousers from waist to knees of the rider and then has a snug-fit from knees to ankles. The upper flared part allows the rider to sit with ease on the saddle. Nowadays, Jodhpur worn by professional equestrians is made up of elastane fibers mixed with other comforting fabrics.
7. Skater Dress:
Skater dress, which is generously embraced by the fashion industry with common folks wearing them as casual as well as party outfit, is inspired by the outfit of ice-skating professionals. The professional skaters wear beautifully embellished dresses that snuggly fit till torso and have flared skirts. The top part is made up of mesh, chiffon and other fabrics combined with spandex that is stretchable and allows free movement of the athletes. The skirt part is usually made up of light fabrics that should not become a hindrance in the movement of a skater.
8. Rash Guard Shirts:
Rash Guard shirts are donned by the surfers. Surfing is a water sport where an individual rides on the waves of the sea. As the surfer gets water splashes as well as prolonged sun exposure, rash guard shirts become important to protect them from scorching sun and moisture trap. These shirts are made up of a combination of nylon, polyester and spandex. Polyester helps in quick drying and breathability while spandex has a high index of elongation and recovery. Moreover, the shirt also has UPF50+ fiber to safeguard the surfer from harsh sun rays.
Sportswear has its own loyal consumer base. The Fashion Industry since forever has been designing sportswear and we get to see a variety of it during global events like Olympics. While the terminologies stay the same, the fashion designers actively work in their textile and design section to upgrade sportswear and provide ultimate comfortability to athletes. At JD Institute of Fashion Technology, we aim to provide in-depth knowledge of sportswear to our students when they enroll in various courses. We believe in imparting knowledge and help the students leverage their career in sportswear design through our teachings.