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Degree Vs Diploma, the age-old debate of what you need to study after 12th (Higher Secondary Examination/HSC) or should you pursue a diploma after 10th? (Senior Secondary Examination/SSC) And finally, the most important of all, Degree or Diploma? So, lets first learn what is degree? and what is a diploma? Secondly, the difference between both as we weigh the pros and cons of

Do you think it’s too late to learn a designing course? Or pursue a new career that is new and exciting? Well, here is your answer. Nope. It’s never too late to learn something new and it is never too late to pursue a new career. Career switches are more common than you think. Design courses are dozen a dime with colleges offering an

Fashion illustration is the #OG of fashion designing. Every idea and every thread you stitch are born on the paper. It encapsulates the design element in Fashion designing. The transition from paper to the mannequin is only a matter of effort and time, from mannequin to the needle is again a matter of logistics. Let’s have a quick glance of 5 ways fashion

Food styling over the time has evolved and has become a good career choice. One thing that would never go out of fashion is food. We need it for our livelihood. But you must be wondering, how does a food stylist come into the picture? The big posters, banners or the videos that you see of your favourite restaurants or person, the plating

Fashion Design is a lucrative domain that thrives on creativity and individuality. The field is often misunderstood as an industry catering to the glamorous world, however, we beg to differ. Fashion Design is all about expressing oneself. It is more than dresses and outfits. The industry is deeply engrained in our lives. When you look around yourself, we are all the time surrounded by

Photography jobs? Employment as a full-time photographer? Is that a possibility? Have all of your questions about photography and the jobs in the service industry answered. Photography has evolved to be an inevitable part of all of our lives, for the foreseeable future. But your next good question might be, if everyone holds a camera in their phones, how is the job of a

Product design has become a buzzword amidst the designer community. But when it comes to the understanding of general mass, we tend to fit product designers into a perception where they only create tangible materials on industry level. However, this is a huge misconception. A product designer is someone who finds solutions to the problems of humankind through the analytical approach in a given

Interior designers are often misunderstood about their job description and career in general. The life of interior designers remains to be in the dark because not many people know much about the profession. Interior design is not a walk in the park. No profession is. Every profession has its own complications and rough days. Work can get stressful from time to time. However, the