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Interior Design is a field where one must know how to speak well in public and know the essential lessons of presenting a design that makes the difference between passing or failing the idea. This multifaceted profession not only comprises the conceptual stage ideation but research, communicating the ideas elaborately and delivering them in a structured way. The Jury for Diploma in Interior Design

Interior designers are often misunderstood about their job description and career in general. The life of interior designers remains to be in the dark because not many people know much about the profession. Interior design is not a walk in the park. No profession is. Every profession has its own complications and rough days. Work can get stressful from time to time. However, the

Myths and misconceptions have not left any profession. Interior design is no exception. It is a welcome sign that interior design is making its way into mainstream professions and is slowly being acknowledged as a viable career in India. Irrespective of the welcoming sign, interior design, to this date, is subjected to myths and misconceptions that have no logical backing whatsoever. In this blog,