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Monsoon hairstyle trends for men can be a long list of styles, making it hard to choose. There have been various hair trends that have come in and gone out as quick as a week, but 2021 is different. All hair trends from 10 years ago are repeating themselves, and have come back strong with a twist. Here are the top 6 monsoon

DIY all natural curl cream can be made with many different ingredients and in different methods. But it can be very expensive or an extensive process. Here is an easy and simple DIY all natural curl cream recipe that will work miracles in to your hair: INGREDIENTS:  Shea Butter  Aloe Vera Coconut Oil Yes, that is the ingredients list. These ingredients are known to restore

Monsoon means breezy showers and cloudy skies, yet it is a season of relaxation. A way of taking a break after a fun and hyped summer. Nonetheless, caring for the hair becomes an annoying task during the monsoon season. Similar to our skin, the hair is fragile and needs to be given extra attention as climate changes occur. The most challenging season when it

Summer is the time of the year to get a free tan and enjoy brunches with friends and family. Although, this summer may not be the ideal way to spend it, who’s to say that we can’t dress up at home and still have the perfect brunch with our families? Might even give on the reason to dress up and refresh their instagram

Myths on hair extensions are quite wide in the market, but there are few that intimidate the ones trying hair extensions for the first time. Here are some facts and figures that might help one in finding the truth behind these myths: MYTH #1 Hair Extensions Cause Hair Damage. This is a myth that's been spreading for ages, and though it may have some truth when

Hair Damage as we all know is caused due to application of immense heat that results in hair fall and dryness. Flawless hair can still be achieved without any damage to your hair. Here are 5 essential tips for flawless with least hair damage: USE YOUR HANDS AS A GAUGE: Contrary to the popular belief, turning up the heat on your blow-dryer doesn’t