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Hair loss is the root cause of physical, mental, psychological and social problems in people. Hair fall in men particularly is on a widespread increase for several reasons. What is even scarier is boys are losing their hair at a very young age resulting in severe male pattern baldness. Hair loss leads to social humiliation in men. Hair loss in men instigates inferiority complex

Shaving, whether you like it or not, is a fundamental part of our lifestyle. As they say, ‘puberty hits bad,’ shaving is also considered a painful and frustrating grooming process to deal with consistently forever. ‘Does shaving damage my skin?’  ‘Does shaving make my skin dry?’ – People have inconsistent and bizarre questions and confusions pertaining to shaving. Shaving myths revealed However, most of the

Color treated hair is more prone to damage than non-dyed hair. Getting hair colored is everyone’s dream at some point in life. After flipping through a dozen blogs on the internet and asking another dozen people regarding which hair color suits you the most, let’s say you have got your hair colored. Now that you have color-treated hair, it is vital to protect your

Curls are the most desired hairstyle for one common reason, that is the out of the box and lucious look that it results in. Not every curly hair is the same all the time. But when it comes to styling wavy or straight hair with the help or hairstyling tools to make them curly for a particular occasion, then it falls under a

Sectioning the hair is one of the most important parts of hairstyling techniques, especially when detaching a haircut. It helps create a visual idea of what the hairstyle may look like on the person. It also helps in creating consistent balance throughout the style. It is similar to copy pasting commands in a computer, that is adjusting the final results of the style

Extensive types of combs are there in the market. A comb is hair’s best friend. Not a single day goes without using a comb at least once a day. A perfect hair day is everybody’s daily fantasy. You can spend thousands on shampoo and conditioner but without a comb, even the marvel of the best shampoo goes unidentified. While there are several types of

Hair fall is the most common nightmare people experience in reality. Hair loss is a common biological problem all over the world. Irrespective of how common hair fall as an issue is in presumably each and every individual, it is by far one of the most chronic problems that have affected the life and peace of all. Hair fall has caused havoc in the

Braids are similar to a universal language in hairstyling. It is one of the easiest and most fun ways of hairstyling. They keep the hair intact for over 24 hours if need be, and do not consume as much time that is invested on any other hairstyle. It is a go-to trick when running late for work or college. Braids were first mothodised in