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Sustainable Fashion Tag

Skills needed for a fashion designer are many. A fashion designer in today’s context not only makes clothes, but needs to run a business as well as needs to keep themselves updated about trends and digital tools along with the possession of good consumer relation abilities. With the growth of the fashion industry, the role and success of a fashion designer depend on

Sustainable Fashion: Building eco-friendly systems Sustainable fashion seems to be the buzz-word today. Yes, it is no longer enough to be fashionable for the millennials. As the younger generation grows increasingly conscious of what they wear and how it impacts the environment, brands must adopt practices to minimise their carbon footprint and reduce wastage to stay in the good books, and closets, of their

A #Curated list of 20 Interesting Facts on Sustainable Fashion Changing the World! Years ago, it wouldn’t even have come to our minds if the clothes we wore were organically or ethically produced. We didn’t really pay attention if the clothes used animal fur or if they were a result of recycling to reduce the ill-effects on the environment. Times have changed. Welcome the vegan way