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May 2021

Jewellery if it is old is bound to get tarnished due to moisture and oxygen. There are plenty of ways to protect jewellery. Inorder to do so there are few factors that need to be taken into consideration like its type and make. Learning how to protect jewellery from tarnishing is vital as it will help budding designers understand the make and The following

Fashion Photography is a budding career in India and the individual who is passionate about this career needs to know the technical skills required. Few of the basic techniques include lighting, styles of composition, sharpness, social skills, basics of fashion and makeup trends. The photographer needs to bring the picture into reality of what is envisioned and also be willing to experiment with

Fashion styling career opportunities are many! Fashion styling is the art of combining various fashion and lifestyle products to create looks that are innovative, aesthetically pleasing and which matches with the personality of the client as well as the occasion that they are attending. While there is no definite fixed outlines in its career opportunities, the popular career in fashion styling are as

Grooming eyebrows can be a challenging task if not aware of the methods to achieve the right eyebrow shape. Whether a woman or man, your eyebrow shape can be made cleaner. A well groomed eyebrow can make you a hundred times more attractive than any other feature. Here are 4 ways to  grooming eyebrows: STEP 1: DETERMINING YOUR EYEBROW SHAPE: First, decide where