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NFT, the term has flooded the world. Whether you are scrolling through social media platforms or reading articles over the internet, chances are high that the NFT word is somewhere popping up in between. While NFT already has its set of appreciators, many of us are still new to it. Let’s start by understanding the term! NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. The non- fungible part

Fashion Design is a lucrative domain that thrives on creativity and individuality. The field is often misunderstood as an industry catering to the glamorous world, however, we beg to differ. Fashion Design is all about expressing oneself. It is more than dresses and outfits. The industry is deeply engrained in our lives. When you look around yourself, we are all the time surrounded by

Product design has become a buzzword amidst the designer community. But when it comes to the understanding of general mass, we tend to fit product designers into a perception where they only create tangible materials on industry level. However, this is a huge misconception. A product designer is someone who finds solutions to the problems of humankind through the analytical approach in a given

A diploma in interior design is a one to two-year diploma program offered by recognized universities and institutions offering design education. A diploma in interior design gives an aspiring interior designer an opportunity to receive a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles and techniques of interior design in a short span of time. JD Institute of Fashion Technology offers a one-year diploma in interior