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Contemporary jewellery is an amalgamation of jewellery and art. Contemporary jewelry is seen as a progressive art movement which is a representation of culture and societal attitudes of its time. Unlike conventional jewellery design practices it is considered as a form of art used to express concept, creativity, inspiration and is also peppered with cultural influence. This branch of jewellery design does not

Gouache painting is a form of hand painting that is achievable for people who have studied the art of painting jewels.  Before the advent of computer aided softwares, handmade practice of rendering through the use of Gouache painting was most sought after in jewellery designing. However, a number of well-known brands still use this form to showcase their designs in the media to

3D Printed Jewellery has created gateways for jewellery designers and the jewellery industry. It has helped to attain design freedom that cannot be achieved with traditional approaches of manufacturing. However, there are certain design rules that have to be adhered to. 3D Printed Jewellery has created a considerable impact on the jewellery industry. It has paved the way to step out of the conventional

Jewellery if it is old is bound to get tarnished due to moisture and oxygen. There are plenty of ways to protect jewellery. Inorder to do so there are few factors that need to be taken into consideration like its type and make. Learning how to protect jewellery from tarnishing is vital as it will help budding designers understand the make and The following

Jewellery designers create pieces of art which are more than objects of adornment that complements one’s look. It is a symbol of rich historical and cultural heritage, a statement of love and its preservation. The significance of jewellery in India has evolved into a complex system with sophisticated religious, social and economic symbolism. Being a jewellery designer in India is therefore not just

GROWTH OF BRANDED JEWELLERY INDUSTRY IN 2020 As per the report published by Mckinsey, Branded jewellery accounts for only 20% of the sales in the market. The jewellery sectors are expected to grow 5-6% every year, but due to the recent global recession it has hindered the consumer appetite for jewellery. In order to stay credible, the brands must make sure they implement new