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Photography Tag

Portrait photography, often known as portraiture, is a style of photography that captures a person's or a group of people's identity through the use of proper lighting, backdrops, and poses. When it comes to this style of photography, there are a few things to learn that will help in understanding the basics of what makes a good portrait. In reality, an amazing portrait shot does

Multiple Tripod Options, for the love of the tools of the photographic process. The Tripod is a three legged accessory primarily used to hold a camera completely steady with no movement and vibration. There are many brands, styles and variations available. Tripods are very essential especially in Landscape Photography, as wide angle lenses are used. It is also used for Panoramas, HDR Photography,

Double Exposure, Long Exposure and Mixed lighting were taught to the students from the Dept. of Photography through technical exercise by their Mentor - Mr. Kishore Ramachandra for a detailed in-depth aspect on Photography. Learning new techniques can elevate the students’ creativity and acquire new skills that will enable them in their pursuits of staying ahead of the curve. The implementation of three

Photography is the art of capturing compositions of light using digital equipment known as the camera. Commonly used in the fields of film, advertisement, art and video production, photography is also extensively used within science and manufacturing processes. It is used to obtain and record images for different purposes including preservation, documentation and journaling as well as in the representations of findings and