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Graphic Design

Colour psychology The study of colour psychology concerns how colours affect human emotions, behaviors and how colour psychology in design. How we react to colours is determined by a complex interaction between our tastes, family upbringing, and cultural background, which varies from person to person. Colour can affect perception subtly; for instance, it can either enhance or detract from how food tastes. They can enhance

As a creative problem-solving approach, design thinking has recently gained a lot of attention in the context of social innovation. Design Thinking for Social Innovation is based on putting the user's needs at the canter of the design process and developing solutions that respond to those needs. This blog post examines how design thinking principles can be applied to social innovation and how

Innovation and creativity are the currency of this century. The way we live now is very different from how it was in the past. A career in design is accessible through study since it has developed over time and in response to new technology. It is currently a very attractive alternative due to its high potential, variety of work opportunities, and market demand. Degrees

Design as a career has evolved a lot in recent years. Industries have started recognising the potential of artistic people in curating creative solutions for real-time problems. As such, enrolling in a design institute will empower your artistic acumen and equip you with the relevant skills in your field of interest to build a promising career as a designer. Design professionals are of great

There is no doubt that visual imagery and graphic design play a crucial role in the marketing campaigns of fashion brands. The graphic designer is the magician who makes the marketing of a fashion brand come to life. Therefore, they are crucial to the success of any fashion brand to make the brand successful. The importance of graphic design in fashion and the

If you are looking for a platform to channel your creative talents, a graphic design career, with its stimulating combination of images, words and symbols, might just be it for you. In this new age, with mainstream courses and careers losing momentum, the creative domain is gaining popularity, and its importance is being recognised. There’s a chance the question of ‘how to become

Creating a strong brand identity is not an overnight success story. You can’t simply pick a few colours or any font and casually pull a logo together. You need to approach your design strategically, to develop an identity that truly reflects your brand - and supports your growth. Here’s where graphic design in branding comes into the picture.   By bringing together carefully selected visuals,