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Graphic Design

Motion graphics designing, also known as motion designing, is a form of graphic designing which includes a mixture of graphic design, animation and timelines. Unlike regular graphic designing which is mostly static, motion designers make use of visual effects and animation to bring motion to their designs. If you are a student who wants to pursue a course in motion graphics designing or a

Graphic design has become an inevitable reality of using the internet. The flashy and the classy are the parts of the internet that has your attention and holds your attention. Even quality content needs some design element to hold the consumer’s attention online for more than a scrolling second. The striking visuals and surreal content that is highly relatable is what makes an individual

What is the Job role of a Graphic Designer? Graphic Designer, the one who creates visual concepts either by hand or by using computer software to captivate the customer. The Graphic Designer’s job is mainly to understand the requirements of the clients, visualizing and creating Graphics including Logos, Illustrations, and Layouts etc. They are the ones who visualize and give shape to the

Today when the world cannot stop going crazy about social media, then imagining businesses without good graphic design is like wearing sweat pants on the red carpet. True, isn’t it? The world of marketing demands every company to be visually appealing for the audience to stick around through all the stages of the marketing funnel. Great visuals are something that attracts the audience like a