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Interior designers Tag

Any space leaves a mark on us. When we enter any space, we tend to notice the nitty gritty of it and try to replicate a part of it in our comfort place. Interior Design is a domain of constant change and with every passing year the trends change. The Interior Design trend  over the past few years has moved on to a

As the world is changing, health aspects both physical and mental have become important. In today’s time we spend a considerable amount of time inside the workspace. JD Design Awards 2022 is a humongous platform that channelises the designers’ mind and brings forth solutions by the means of design. With the advent of COVID-19 the Work From Home culture bloomed, but as we are

Black color - the minute we hear this, our minds directly go to outfits, ain’t it? Have you ever wondered how this mystic and ravishing black color might look in interior design? Can you imagine your interiors soaking in thick black color? Black color is a color that is most often rejected by people before interior designers even propose. The underlying reasons for this

There was a time when interior designers were on the lookout for new colors, knowledge of their competitive roman blinds, a passionate search for decors, and above all the ability to bring to life one’s visions of their homes. However, recently the world of interior design has had to change drastically. Interior designers are now required to have the basic skills of previous

Granite transpires to be one of the most popular natural stones. The interior design industry regards granite as one of the most durable natural stones. There are boundless uses of granite when it comes to designing interiors. Granite is luxuriously appealing and makes the interiors one of a kind if used appropriately. Interior designers can assist you in bringing out the best interior design

Calming colors make the interiors of a bedroom soothing and relaxing. Wall colors in interior design have the potential to determine the emotions of the people living in it. Creating a soothing bedroom is the ultimate motive of interior designers. Imagine waking to the bedroom after a really frustrating day at work. Do you know how it feels? There is a vibration of relaxation

Flooring is a peerless element of interior design. There is so much significance given to flooring but very often, significance is given to only the flooring of interiors. It should be noted that flooring is equally far-reaching in an apartment balcony. An apartment balcony is where there is human traffic. With a mixture of natural and artificial light and other interior design accessories in