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A study tour was scheduled for Jediiians pursuing their Masters and PG Diploma in Interior Design, prior to the completion of the Landscape Design module that deals with the importance of introducing the living greens in the enclosed spaces for the well-being of the users. The module covers the various types of natural landscapes and landforms, plant selection, history of gardens, sustainability, Landscape

Any space leaves a mark on us. When we enter any space, we tend to notice the nitty gritty of it and try to replicate a part of it in our comfort place. Interior Design is a domain of constant change and with every passing year the trends change. The Interior Design trend  over the past few years has moved on to a

The use of plants has been a classical method of decoration in the process of interior design. Plants have always been human’s best friend and interior designers with their creativity and expertise in their field have spruced up the interiors to make them aesthetically pleasing. The use of plants in interior design Whether it is a house, home office or a cafe, the use of